Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Work placements have started :)

Our work placements at Walmart are off to a great start.  Walmart has been very welcoming to us.   By next week all students will have experienced their first day of work at Walmart.

We have been working (cross curricular,-Art, Language and Science) on Strong and Stable Structures in Science for the past week.   Each student created a city that contains strong and stable structures of their own designs and desires for inclusion.  

We are continuing to develop our knowledge of proper materials and tools as we 'build' structures with the aim of making them strong and stable.   The students will be taking their cities home today.   The structures may not be so stable and strong when they first reach home.   But with a little modelling and moving, the boys should be able to set up their structures for you to view. 


  1. Sammy put his diorama back together in a wink and then told me what it all was.

    1. Awesome! Good for him....unfortunately he was sick for part of the time we were working on it so he did not get a chance to put many structures in his city
