Tuesday, 4 March 2014

It might be cold outside....but it is warm in here...thanks to the

Michael Jackson Experience.   When it is too cold to get extra exercise, we have a dance party inside:)

Our performance at the Black History Month Assembly

P.A.L.S. Program Moments

Learning about Human Bones is a scream....at least according to Connor

Raz Kids Log in info

Raz-Kids.com   has been purchased for the class.   It can be used from home also.   Just go the website and the teacher name is 105106, and then have your child click on their name and complete assigned assignments by clicking on 'my assignments'.   Thanks :)

March News Letter

March News Letter

Rumor has it spring is coming, but the current weather begs to differ.   We continue to bundle up on the rare occasions we venture out, but hopefully that will soon end so that we can make the world our classroom again. 

The end of February saw us participate in the secondary school’s celebration of Black History month.   We performed Man in the Mirror again, along with our P.A.L.S. while a tribute power point presentation to Nelson Mandela, that Keyshawn helped me create, played over our heads.  Well done one and allJ.   We keep this up and we are going to get signed by Motown soon.

*As the school year goes on our school supplies are getting low.   Please send in new pencils, pens and erasers to replenish each student’s individual pencil case.

**On March 27th at 7pm we will be having the official unveiling of our ‘Teen Reading Room’ and an Art Show in our class room.   The students, who will be able to attend, will be performing as part of the Art Show. We welcome all members of our students’ families/personal community. Please complete the form below to let us know if you are able to attend.  

 Important Dates for March:

ASAP: Summer Learning Program Forms and OSTA forms (If you have not already)

March 7 PD days- No school

March 10-March 14- No school March Break

March 18th- Tobogganing trip and ‘dream shopping on a budget’ field trip.   Details to come.

**March 27 –Parent Night at the School, please come to our classroom for 7PM.

Curriculum Focus: (Brief over view, not all topics, or learning opportunities will be listed)

Math: Fractions in the real world- time, money etc.

Inter/Intrapersonal Skills: Personal Hygiene

Science and Technology-Art: The Human Body

Vocational Skills:  Returning uniform to proper place at school in a neat a tidy manner

Language: Continuing with our novel study (Bone: The Great Cow Race) and working with other texts to involve our ability to answer 5W 1H questions.


_________________ Please circle (student will be able to attend on March 27th at 7pm) or

                                (Student will NOT be able to attend on March 27th at 7pm)

If attending ___________people will be attending with him.